The following services related to recreational activities and vehicles are available at both the Chanhassen Service Center and the Chaska License Center.

  • Boat, Snowmobile and ATV Registrations and Transfers
  • State Snowmobile Trail Stickers 
  • Cross-Country Ski Permits
  • Fishing and Hunting Licenses

Boat, Snowmobile, and ATV Registrations and Transfers

ATV: The owner must provide the make, model, year, serial number, dry weight, width, and engine size (HP or cubic centimeters), and driver's license number and signature. The license is valid for three years. For current fees, refer to the DNR website.

Boats: The owner must provide the make, year, length and serial number of watercraft, motor size (if applicable), and driver's license number and signature. For titled watercraft being transferred, transfer must be executed in Minnesota or have a foreign-state title.  The license is valid for three years. Fees vary according to type, length, and use of craft. For current fees, refer to the DNR website.

Snowmobile: The owner must provide the make, model, year, serial number and engine size (HP or cubic centimeters), and driver's license number and signature. The license is valid for three years. For current fees, refer to the DNR website.

Snowmobile Trail Sticker:  The snowmobile Trail Sticker is now included with the registration renewal. For current fees, refer to the DNR website.  

Cross-Country Ski Permits

Daily Permit, Annual Permit and Three-Year Licenses are available.  A license is required for use of groomed trails in state and county parks. For current fees, refer to the DNR website.

Fishing and Hunting Licenses

Most resident and non-resident fishing and hunting licenses go on sale in mid-February. Angling and dark house shelter licenses are valid from March 1 through April of the following year. The big game licenses go on sale in mid-August. Deer season begins in early November. For a resident license you must provide proof of Minnesota residency, a Minnesota driver's license or identification card, and Firearms Safety Certificate if born after 1979. Fees vary according to the type of license purchased. For more information, visit the Department of Natural Resources.